This is an example of an instructional documentary directed and produced by William Ulrich (founder of Cape Coral Conscience). This documentary includes a 25-step program for creating charitable dance teams in new areas; similar to the step by step video program he intends to create through Cape Coral Conscience, which will teach people how to gather voters and volunteers to pass referendums in their areas.


William Ulrich (founder of Cape Coral Conscience) was inspired by and had a deep friendship with Paul Vasquez, widely known as “The Double Rainbow Guy” for his video which captured over 54 million views. Bear, as he was affectionately called, passed away from Covid-19 related complications in 2020. Bill and Bear worked together on initiatives to make the world a better place. We believe that there is a chance that this reality series could get national exposure. Our goal is to make a documentary that will assist cities all over the United States in standing up to government corruption and making positive changes in their communities.